Skateboard Art - Freehand Burned - Unique One-Off Decks
Wall Art or Ride - Custom Commissions Welcome
Original Screenprints



Metroid NES Nintendo original game Samus Helmet, Logo and Metroid. I’ve kept the helmet as true to the original version as possible, same with the logo and Metroid.
I loved this game as a kid and watched my dad attempt to complete the game with hand drawn maps and leaving the system on overnight as save points were few and far between adding an additional frustration and challenge.

It has a gloss finish and the wood grain looks great.

* All decks burnt freehand (no stencils) with a soldering iron onto Canadian Maple 7ply Skate Deck. Original handmade art to hang on the wall or ride. Please feel free to get in contact with any questions or comments *

Price: $180
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